NHHEAF Network Awards $250,000 in Scholarships to NH College Students

June 17, 2022

NHHEAF Network Awards $250,000 in Scholarships to NH College Students

Granite State nonprofit grants a total of 77 awards to returning undergraduates

(Concord, N.H.) – The New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation (NHHEAF) Network announced today that it has awarded a total of $250,000 in scholarships to 77 New Hampshire residents who are returning undergraduate students at two-year and four-year postsecondary institutions for the 2022-’23 academic year.

The nonprofit organization exists to empower students of all ages and backgrounds to discover and achieve their education and career goals . The N HHEAF Network provides free college and career counseling and resources to New Hampshire students and families
through its Center for College Planning and assists with funding through scholarships and through its private student loan program, EDvestinU.

The annual NHHEAF Scholarship program saw a record number of applicants this year, and offered four scholarship categories: Community Service; Academic Excellence; Leadership; and Opportunity.

“As a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support students in navigating their education and career pathways, we are thrilled to be able to offer this opportunity ,” said Christiana Thornton, President and CEO of the NHHEAF Network. “I encourage all families to take advantage of the free support, resources, and tools we offer statewide.”

Scholarship winner Vickie Moore is studying School Counseling at Granite State College. “This scholarship means a lot to me, she said. “I can now double up on classes in the fall and winter term and be able to graduate sooner. I have been paying for one class at a time until I received this scholarship.”

Scholarship winner Caitlin Wood, from Londonderry, NH, is studying Marriage and Family Therapy at Florida State University. “This scholarship is a huge blessing to me , as I pay for college on my own. …. This scholarship helps to relieve the burden of the cost off of my shoulders, and makes eventually attending graduate school seem more accessible and possible! “

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