For Counselors
Welcome! We at Granite Edvance are thrilled to partner with you and help you support your students. Whether you’re a high school counselor, educator, principal, or homeschooling parent, we’re here for you.
We offer a wide range of resources, including:
- In-school presentations
- Professional development opportunities
- Printed materials
- The ApplyNH campaign
- A library of videos, PDFs, and other resources
- Helpful links to other websites and resources (see below)
Check out all we have to offer you and your students. And feel free to contact us anytime – we’d love to hear from you.
Helpful Links for Counselors & Educators
Below is a list of links to New Hampshire and national organizations and resources.
- Granite Edvance FAFSA Toolkit: Our toolkit is designed to provide everything you need to help students submit their FAFSA, unlock the potential for financial aid, and fulfill the NH state graduation requirement
- Federal Student Aid Financial Aid Toolkit: This toolkit provides federal student aid information and tools for counselors, college access professionals, and other advisors.
- CollegeBoard SAT Fee Waiver Guide for Counselors: This PDF guide details the SAT Fee Waiver Service available to low-income students in 2023 – 2024.
- CollegeBoard SAT Fee Waiver Directory of Colleges: This PDF lists colleges and universities that will waive application fees for students who utilized the SAT Fee Waiver Service.
- NH Transfer: NH Transfer provides resources and support for New Hampshire students looking to earn college degrees. NH Transfer’s mission is to help students map the most seamless, efficient, and cost-effective path to degree completion.
- New Hampshire School Counselor Association: The NHSCA represents over 400 New Hampshire school counselors. The Association works for and with school counselors to help meet the needs of all students.
- New England Association of College Admissions Counseling: NEACAC supports and advances the work of counseling, admission, and enrollment professionals in New England.
- American School Counselor Association: The ASCA provides professional development, publications, research & advocacy for school counselors across the U.S.
- New Hampshire Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators: NHASFAA educates New Hampshire’s financial aid professionals to encourage student access to, and completion of, higher education.
Our Upcoming Events
Check out our Upcoming Events page to find out about webinars and live events coming soon!