Early College Credit & Special Programs
There are lots of ways to go to college. You can earn early college credits, or enroll in programs that make college more affordable or flexible. Other programs give you the chance to challenge yourself, work, or see the world. Keep reading to learn about your options.Early College Credit
Dual enrollment and early college programs let you earn credits that count for both high school and college. This helps you get a jump on college credits, saving you time and money.
- Dual enrollment programs let you take college-level courses at your high school.
- Early college programs allow you to take courses at your local community college while you’re still in high school.
Both of these programs are available in New Hampshire. And there’s a NH scholarship that may let you take up to two dual credit or early college courses for free. Read on to learn more about these great options.
Dual Enrollment
- Early College At Your High School: New Hampshire’s Early College At Your High School program is an in-person dual enrollment program. If your school participates, you can take college-level courses during the school day at your high school. Courses are taught by qualified teachers. Tuition only costs $150 per course – a huge savings from the regular cost of college courses. And you can transfer your credits to many colleges and universities.
- Early College Online: Early College Online is New Hampshire’s online dual credit program. Early College Online allows you to take community college courses online for $150 per course. As with dual enrollment, your course credits count toward both high school and college. Early College Online provides the added flexibility of online learning. Check out the Early College Online website to learn more about the program.
Early College
- Early College On a College Campus: New Hampshire’s Early College On a College Campus lets you take courses on a community college campus while you’re still in high school. These courses are discounted to 50% of the regular cost, and credits count for both high school and college.
Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Scholarships
- STEM/CTE scholarship program: New Hampshire also offers a scholarship that allows you to take up to two dual credit or early college courses for free. Read more here: Dual and Concurrent Enrollment STEM/CTE Scholarship.
Interested in dual enrollment or early college? Talk to your high school counselor to find out more. Make sure the courses you choose will count toward your high school requirements.
Special Programs
There are plenty of programs that can make college more affordable, flexible, and accessible. Other programs can give you the chance to challenge yourself, travel, or get work experience. Find out more about the range of options.
I Want More Affordability
- 3-2/Joint degree program: Joint degree programs let you earn your undergraduate and graduate/professional degrees in less time. You’ll increase your course load and start taking graduate-level classes during your undergraduate program. This approach can save you time and money if you know which graduate degree you’re seeking.
- Co-op: A co-op program allows you to alternate between semesters of classroom learning and workplace training. Co-ops are connected to your major and are almost always paid. It usually takes five years to earn a bachelor’s degree in a co-op program.
- ROTC programs: ROTC, or Reserve Officers’ Training Corp, is a military program. ROTC requires you to commit to serving in the armed forces after graduation. In exchange, 100% of your tuition, books, and fees are covered, and you’ll receive a stipend. You’ll also participate in rigorous training and military programs during college.
I want more flexibility
- Articulation agreements: Articulation agreements are formal arrangements between community colleges and bachelor degree programs. They allow you to easily transfer your credits. They work well if you want to start at a community college and transfer to a four-year college later.
- Cross-Registration: Cross-registration lets you enroll in courses at one school while you’re a student at a another school. You can cross-register without formally applying to the second school.
I want special opportunities
- Honors program: Honors programs vary from college to college. You either apply to the honors program, or you’re selected based on academic criteria. You may benefit from academic challenges, smaller class sizes, and independent study and research.
- Internship: An internship helps you gain on-the-job experience while earning academic credit. It can last from one semester to a year and is often unpaid.
- Accessibility services: Different colleges offer varying levels of resources. You may be able to access disability services, tutoring, academic support programs, and more.
- Study abroad: A study abroad program lets you continue your education at another location. Study abroad can last a semester or a full year. This is a great chance to immerse yourself in a new country, culture, and language.
If you’re interested in one of these programs, check to see which colleges offer them. Your school counselor can help you find special programs and use them to your benefit.
Ready to continue on the college journey?
Now that you know about different approaches to college, find out when things need to happen. Check out See the College Timeline to get the bird’s eye view of the college admission process.